
Film photography project

On a recent drive I found my next photography project. I have some time been fascinated by off season activities and the way I think they tell an interesting story. Both visually and culturally. So this project is about off season campers. These places become something else in winter time. They transform. They have a sense of being left behind. A mix of sadness and a bit of mystery. I also find it interesting with the people who choose to live or spend time in their caravans when it’s not summertime. But don’t expect any stranger portraits as I’m still way to shy for that! In fact I’m pretty scared someone will see me just pondering around with my large camera. Not sure yet what this project will transform into but here’s a sample of what I got so far. Can you spot the cat?

All images taken with a Mamiya 7 // 80mm f4 // Kodak Porta 400